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Questions and Answers about our Products

Many Of You Have Asked Questions About Our Products That Need To Be Answered.
Hopefully The Following Will Help Provide Additional Information.

The urine empties through the lower barbed fitting, which projects through the foot pedal (standard emptier). The most common locations for emptying are the roll-in shower drain, the floor drain found in most public and office washrooms, a shallow tray placed on the floor of your washroom, On the grass...it actually makes it greener!

Please refer to the picture below

Leg bag Attached To Standard Emptier

The outside diameter of the Standard and Mini emptier fitting is 3/8 in., the inside diameter is 1/4 in. The common size tube used on most leg bags is 5/16 in. inside diameter, (shown in the above answer). This size fits tightly onto the emptier and will not leak. The Pinch emptier currently uses 1/4 in. tube.

No. In Canada the emptiers are HST zero rated if purchased by the end user.

No. Clean water is what we recommend for a daily flushing. You can use a germicide or vinegar as long as you flush with water last. Vinegar will damage the rubber parts if left in the emptier. Chlorine bleach should never be used.

Each emptier is a bit different. We have provided step by step instructions for each on the manuals page. The most important thing to remember is the daily light maintenance for each emptier, this will minimize the need to disassemble your emptier.

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Assistive Designs

P.O. Box 20015
55 Muskoka Rd 118 West
Bracebridge Ontario, Canada  P1L 2H6
tel (705) 644-1200 · fax (705) 646-8845
e-mail: emptier@assistivedesigns.com